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This isn't parano

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 Beating Hearts Baby

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Nombre de messages : 2816
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 11/02/2007

Beating Hearts Baby Empty
MessageSujet: Beating Hearts Baby   Beating Hearts Baby Icon_minitimeDim 8 Avr - 21:18

Head Automatica Very Happy

Une chanson bien tripante qui me fait sourire et me donne envie de bouger Smile

J'adore la voix du chanteur et sa façon de chanter Smile


Baby is this love for real?
Let me in your arms to feel
The beating of your heart baby
The beating of your heart baby

(Beating hearts baby)
Baby is this love for real?
(Beating hearts baby)
Let me in your arms to feel
(Beating hearts baby)
Your beating heart baby
(Beating hearts baby)
The beating of your heart baby

You really got your hold on me
You really got your hold on me
You gotta get away from me
Cos you
You want nothing to do with me

Baby is this love for real?
Let me in your arms to feel
The beating of your heart baby
The beating of your heart baby

(Beating hearts baby)
Baby is this love for real?
(Beating hearts baby)
Let me in your arms to feel
(Beating hearts baby)
Your beating heart baby
(Beating hearts baby)
The beating of your heart baby

Goodbye of you
Even out of you
Still I love all of you
I do yeah
In spite of you
Even out of you
Still I love all of you
I do well...

Want nothing to do with me
You want nothing to do with me

Baby is this love for real?
Let me in your arms to feel
Your beating heart baby
The beating of your heart baby

(Beating hearts baby)
Baby is this love for real?
(Beating hearts baby)
Let me in your arms to feel
(Beating hearts baby)
The beating of your heart baby
(Beating hearts baby)
The beating of your heart baby

(Beating hearts baby)
Baby is this love for real?
(Beating hearts baby)
Let me in your arms to feel
(Beating hearts baby)
Your beating heart baby
(Beating hearts baby)
The beating of your heart baby
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Beating Hearts Baby
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